The OneReef screening of the award-winning movie, Chasing Coral, was a sold-out event with a highly engaged audience. If you would like to organize a screening that includes a discussion with OneReef founder Chris LaFranchi, please contact us at Chasing Coral is also now available on Netflix streaming.
What can I personally do to address the rapid loss of coral reefs?
This was the question of the evening, asked by one of 270 attendees at the screening of Chasing Coral, about the effects of coral bleaching and climate change Threats to our ocean can seem daunting – but the solution is actually simple:
You can have significant impact by directly supporting key leaders and local communities on the forefront of protecting the world’s healthiest and most resilient reefs.
OneReef creates opportunities to partner directly with such leaders and communities. OneReef first picks the places that have the greatest chance of surviving the two primary threats to the health of coral reefs: human activities and climate change.
Willing and able communities who want to save these resilient coral reefs are then supported with the right technical, scientific and financial support over a period of 5-15 years, ensuring conservation that endures. The average cost per acre of reef protected is $3 – we expect this cost to decline as we further scale operations.
You can help us to protect a large percentage of the existing global coral reefs. To be part of the solution, we invite you to donate to our community-based conservation programs.
A participant asked: Are all reefs equally threatened?
No – and this is why we are so hopeful for the future. Unlike highly impacted reefs on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and elsewhere, OneReef sites in Micronesia have shown resilience and avoided widespread bleaching. These sites are bright spots for conservation, and places where reefs have the capacity to survive environmental threats – as long as they retain their diversity and are managed well.
With your help we can provide local communities the resources and support they need to protect the diversity and resilience of their coral reefs.and scale our proven approach from 350,000 acres of coral reef protected areas to 1 million acres of coral reefs in Micronesia over the next three years, or 20% of the area’s reefs. Next, we will replicate our work in other promising coral reef zones of the world.
We have seen that a growing movement of ocean lovers can make an enormous impact, and together we can create Vibrant Reefs, Thriving Communities. We look forward to having you join us in our efforts to protect coral reefs and the communities that depend on them.