Help us support our ocean stewards
Community-led coral conservation holds the key to long-term health and vitality for our reefs and their surrounding communities. For generations, island communities have responsibly stewarded the ocean. However, faced with today’s overwhelming challenges, they can’t do it alone. Your contribution to OneReef will directly aid our ocean guardians, providing them with the resources, science, and technology they need to protect our ocean’s most precious ecosystems.
Your contribution will directly support our ocean stewards in one of these three ways:

Expand community partnerships across the Pacific

OneReef Community Partnership Advancement Fund
Supports new community partnership agreements to conserve coral reefs across the Pacific.

Advance the science and technology used to improve reef health

OneReef Science and
Technology Fund
Advances the resources available in support of our ocean stewards

Establish learning centers for future ocean stewards

OneReef Ocean
Stewardship Fund
Helps to educate and inspire future stewards through summer camps, and after-school programs
Provide much-needed technical and scientific resources

Ranger Salaries and Equipment

Patrol Boats

Floating Ranger Station

Reef Imaging

Anti-Poaching Radar

Training and Mentoring
Make a contribution now
More ways to give
Make a tax-deductible donation through your preferred giving platform
Make OneReef Worldwide Stewardship your favorite charity on PayPal
Care to mail a check?
OneReef U.S. Office
114 Oak Knoll Drive
Santa Cruz, California 95060
Russell Fuller Donates $2 Million to support the OneReef model
In 2021 OneReef received its first seven-figure gift to support operations. Russ Fuller, co-founder and principal of Fuller & Thaler, made a $2m contribution after a decade of involvement with OneReef. As an experienced diver and Vietnam War Silver Star recipient, OneReef’s model aligned with his calling to contribute to the world by advancing communities facing overwhelming challenges.