Our Team

US Team

Micronesia Team

Patterson K. Shed

Patterson K. Shed

Pohnpei, Micronesia Director of Strategic Partnerships

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors helps set OneReef’s strategic direction, establishes long-term goals and objectives, and helps secure long-term financing for programmatic activities. The Board consists of leaders in marine conservation, private investment, and economics.

With nearly a decade in international development, Ann brings financial expertise and a strong commitment to global impact. Guided by a deep love for the ocean, she is driven to protect its ecosystems. Ann is a Certified Public Accountant and has held senior finance roles in nonprofits and corporations, gaining valuable insights in financial analytics, risk management, and strategic investments. Her ability to navigate complex financial challenges and identify growth opportunities has been instrumental in driving sustainability and impact. She is passionate about supporting island communities and fostering collaboration and innovation within the team at OneReef.

Natasha serves as the OneReef Yap Partnership Coordinator. Her passion for the environment began at an early age, when she observed both of her parents working in conservation with communities in Yap and throughout Micronesia. Her father, in particular, taught her the value of environmental stewardship and how it is inextricably linked to the culture of her people. She earned a Global Environmental Studies degree from Sophia University in Japan. She hopes to use her academic knowledge to help support community needs at home while also building her community engagement skills. After many years away from home, Natasha enjoys spending time with her family, particularly her father, conversing in the local language, working on home projects, and learning/relearning aspects about her island’s customs and culture.

Dr. Nicole Yamase is from the islands of Pohnpei and Chuuk in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Although she is from the FSM, she spent parts of her childhood in the Republic of Palau and Saipan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands as well. Nicole has a B.A. in Biology and a B.S. in Environmental Studies from Chaminade University of Honolulu. She obtained her Ph.D. in Marine Biology from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa focusing on the ecophysiology of native Hawaiian macroalgae. As the Director of Impact, Nicole will be working closely with all stakeholders to define, measure, and communicate impact in a meaningful way that interweaves science and traditional knowledge. 

Patty Azzarello is an executive, best-selling author, speaker and CEO/Business Advisor. She has more than 25+ years of experience working in high tech and business. She has held leadership roles in General Management, Marketing, Software Product Development and Sales. She has been successful in running and transforming large and small businesses, and has significant international management experience. Patty is a business leadership speaker who has actually been a successful business leader. Because of the extraordinary nature of her own, fast growing career as a technology business executive, Patty brings a perspective unlike other business speakers. As a result, people are drawn to her heartfelt, no-nonsense, often humorous stories about surviving and mastering the unavoidable realities of running a business.

Raised in Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Patterson brings to OneReef a passionate conservation and community resource management career spanning more than fifteen years in leadership and management. Previously he served as a Regional Coordinator for the USAID Climate Ready Project coordinating support to three Pacific countries (Palau, FSM, and RMI). Patterson also served the United Nations Development Program GEF-Small Grants Programme as FSM’s first National Coordinator. Patterson served as Executive Director of the Conservation Society of Pohnpei (CSP) in the FSM where he advocated for community-driven solutions, community-led governance, and community participation for progressive community-level development. He has served: as a former President of the Pohnpei Lions Club where he founded a community-based organization called MLMDA; on the Micronesia Bound Incorporated Board of Directors in service for at-risk youth program; two terms in the Madolenihmw Municipal Government Legislature where he consecutively chaired the standing committee on Education; and as a member of the Micronesians in Island Conservation (MIC) network for leaders in conservation. He also served eight years in the United States Armed Forces (ARMY) military service and is a veteran of the 1991 Iraq campaign. Patterson is a grandfather and would like to pass on to his children and grandchildren to enjoy Pohnpei’s pristine paradise and happy home and cultivate in his children the spirit of responsibility and duty to carry on the work to preserve and protect Pohnpei.

Colin Hyatt is the Executive Administrator for the OneReef US office. Having graduated as a student athlete with a BS in Earth Systems, focusing on oceans and climate, from Stanford University, Colin understands the importance of protecting our marine environments. Colin has spent time performing coral research in Australia and Palau, receiving his PADI divemaster certification in Honduras and leading sea kayaking trips in New Zealand. He is excited to be a part of the OneReef team where he will be able to use his education and experiences to assist OneReef in their mission to protect coral reefs and the communities they support. Colin’s primary job duty will be to assist the US Director and OneReef’s Founder and CEO in making sure the organization runs smoothly and efficiently. Colin will assist with donor relations, compliance, scheduling, trip logistics and more. In addition, he will be in charge of the info@onereef.org email. One of his favorite things is traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures. In his free time, you can find Colin enjoying the outdoors whether it be diving, snowboarding, rock climbing or his new favorite activity, surf foiling!

Akilino is a traditional elder who left formal schooling in third grade after growing interested in canoe carving and seafaring. At a very young age, he learned the skills of traditional canoe building, seafaring, and then navigation from his father Albis. From his mother, he learned about native medicine that helped save the lives of his crew and many people on remote islands who look to him for healing when sick or injured. Akilino is a Knowledge Holder who taught at the OneReef Traditional Skills Summer Camp on Sonsorol Island in June 2020 and at more youth education programs since then. Akilino believes that the knowledge he possesses is precious for the younger generation for survival, identity, and increased resilience to the challenges of living on their small islands in a rapidly changing world.

Sharon is a global community builder with over 15 years of experience strengthening local leaders around the world to protect our natural water resources. Her talents as a cross-cultural communicator, creative strategist, and fundraiser have helped grow global and local environmental NGOs in budget and impact. As a published environmental economist, including with the United Nations Environment Program, she has helped improve policies for environmental protection. Sharon is a leader and mentor skilled in developing systems and processes for efficient teamwork and measurable outcomes. She has lived in five countries and has traveled for work and pleasure in countless others around the world. Since childhood, Sharon has had a passion for coral reefs, marine life, and island communities and now strives to spend as much of her free time as possible among these elements. She is a PADI certified diver and proud mother of two young men pursuing their education and career goals in energy and environmental sciences.

Dr. Bernie Tershy is the co-founder and former Executive Director of Island Conservation, a science-based NGO that has protected 242 seabird colonies and 224 insular endemics from extinction, and has created over 900,000 hectares of new marine and island protected areas in Mexico. He specializes in development of conservation NGOs, conservation biology, and island ecosystems. He is also a member of the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group, and the Galapagos Island Invasive Species Technical Advisory Group.

Dr. Korneitchouk first encountered Chris LaFranchi and other members of OneReef during an expedition to Palau with marine biologists from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography which partners with OneReef on its 100 Island Challenge. Since that moment Dr. Korneitchouk became very curious in the work of OneReef and how he can learn from them, understanding that ultimately all these issues connect. He is now on the OneReef Board of Directors.

Dr. Lida Teneva is a marine conservationist and ecologist who has investigated climate change impacts on key ocean ecosystems, worked with indigenous communities on sustainable fisheries, and built ocean exploration programs. Prior to joining the California Ocean Science Trust, she served as Science Officer for Dalio Philanthropies’ OceanX initiative. Prior to OceanX, she worked in Hawai‘i as Science Advisor for Conservation International and worked on marine protected areas in Fiji with the Wildlife Conservation Society. She has also been an expedition guide for National Geographic Expeditions around the world. Lida assists sustainable ocean solution start-ups through the European accelerator, Katapult Ocean. She is an Advisory Council member with the Inian Islands Institute, an education and research station in Southeast Alaska, and a Board member of OneReef, a coral reef conservation organization focused on the Western Pacific.

Lida received her Bachelors of Science degree in geology from Franklin and Marshall College, her Masters in climate science from Columbia University and her PhD in marine ecology from Stanford University. Lida is originally from Sofia, Bulgaria. She is an avid diver, fly fisherwoman, aviator, and hiker, and loves the California coast.

When John isn’t diving, he divides his time between Palo Alto and his family land in Vermont. John is a retired entrepreneur who has held to create several successful startup companies. He has spent the past 20 years serving as a board member and donor for several leading-edge nonprofits and has been a lecturer for the Rainer Arnhold Fellows Program. He currently serves on the boards of OneReef and Freshwater Life, and is on the advisory boards of Nexleaf, Island Conservation, and Sustainable Conservation. He has contributed to conservation through his engagement with organizations he recognizes as innovative and impactful.

Ngirur is responsible for financial oversight of OneReef’s Micronesia office, overseeing the preparation and planning of budgets. She maintains records and receipts for all transactions, monitors all bank deposits and payments, and assists with financial audits. Ngirur graduated from Palau Community College in 2019 with an AS degree in Environmental/Marine Science and she enjoys sharing and applying her knowledge with OneReef. Palau’s unique and beautiful island motivates Ngirur to practice sustainable living to preserve what they have now for her child and future generations. Ngirur enjoys spending time with her family and friends, especially going on land and sea adventures.

Clivia is responsible for connecting with our Partner Communities in Palau, helping to coordinate and execute their activities and projects, and participating in workshops, online webinars, and training. With an educational background in Tourism and Hospitality, her non-profit work experience, including office administration and operations, began in 2015. As a young Palauan steward, Clivia shares a passion and commitment for community resilience, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation through her traditional and modern knowledge from working with different Palauan organizations and her local elders. Her core values are mainly about giving back to the community through RESPECT and HUMILITY. Clivia has a deep passion for conserving our Land, our Ocean, and our Natural Resources. She believes that the existence of her small Micronesian community will fade away if we don’t preserve and protect these things that make Palauan people who they are. Clivia comes from the smallest state in Babeldaob (Ngiwal State), where they are well known to have “big” appetites. She also has a deep love for animals, plants, and nature.

Madelsar manages and strengthens community partnerships with diverse stakeholders who similarly value the importance of coral reefs and their role for island communities. She was born and raised in the Republic of Palau and has extensive experience in community-based non-profit organizations that primarily focus on gender issues, women’s empowerment, youth development, environmental conservation, and tourism. Madelsar has two B.A. degrees in History & Women’s Studies from Washington State University, and an M.A. in Ethnic Studies from the University of California, San Diego. Professionally, she has been an educator for nearly 15 years and has served in various capacities on matters related to climate change, sustainable land management, historical/cultural preservation, tourism coordination, food security, integrated farming, and policy development.

Chris founded OneReef in 2012 to create a direct impact through locally controlled coral reef conservation. As CEO, he has been principally responsible for fundraising, organizational vision and design, and negotiating agreements with Micronesian communities who own coral reefs and are committed to conservation goals and adaptive management strategies. He has lived in Africa and Indonesia, and performed field work in at least 12 countries, building extensive experience in community engagement, environmental policy, and diplomatic work. His former work with the World Bank, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the marine science community provides a wealth of knowledge in global conservation. Chris has an M.S. in natural resource economics from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and a B.S. in biology and technical journalism from Oregon State University. In 2015, he was nominated for the Pew Fellowship in Marine Science. In 2016, he was invited to speak alongside other thought leaders at the Bioneers Conference. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences, including the 2016 International Coral Reef Symposium and others.